domestic violence awareness month


It’s On Us 2024: April 1 - 5

FAU students walking during the national campaign to raise awareness on campus sexual assault across the nation

It’s On Us week is a national campaign that strives to raise awareness on campus sexual assault across the nation, through prevention, education, and programs. Florida Atlantic University hosts It’s On Us every year in April as part of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. #itsonusfau

If you would like to learn more about the National Movement, please visit


Download Your Virtual Toolkit for It’s On Us at FAU




To report an incident or concern, please visit This website provides information and the link to all reporting pages across campus.

Most importantly, if you experience trauma related to sexual violence, FAU has resources to support you. The following are resources that are available for you on campus:

Victim Services
Provides assistance through criminal and university processes. Connects individuals to on and off campuses resources.

Dean of Students
Provides options to report, information on the student conduct process and referrals

FAU Police Department
Provides emergency services; offers options to report a crime, and referrals for off campus evidence gathering

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Provides resources and investigates allegations of discrimination and harassment

CAPS (confidential)
Offers counseling (individual and group), psychiatric services and referral coordination

Student Health Services (confidential)
Offers STI testing, HPV vaccine, emergency contraception and pregnancy testing

Victim Rights Brochures
Download in English: /police/documents/vrbenglish.pdf
Download in Spanish: /police/documents/vrbspanish.pdf



Owl Ready

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Owl Ready is the official preparedness and safety app of Florida Atlantic University. It was developed collaboratively between the Department of Emergency Management and the FAU Police Department.